Great Curvy Girl Site

Fantastic Tutorial!

I found this on youtube and thought it was pretty great! You can find the Alice palette at the Urban Decay link on the left hand side of my page. Enjoy!

We Have a Winner!

The winner of the Alice in Wonderland Glorious Nonsense Urban Decay Fandango giveaway is….

Congratualtions and thank you to all who entered! Please be on the lookout for new products coming soon and a newly remodeled site! This week, I will post my review of the Urban Decay shadows that were sent to me. I’m also going to try to post a tutorial on using bright colors tastefully and making it work.


When you subscribe to the blog, you MUST answer the confirmation email. If you don’t, your registration is NOT complete.

Last Day to Enter the Giveaway!

Don’t forget you have to subscribe, if you haven’t already, and make a post. I’m going to let the winner chose the size of their shirt… it will be shipped directly to them.

Don’t Forget to Enter!

February the 28th is the last day to enter the current giveaway!
I got the shadows in yesterday! They are full-sized. Wowsers!

Remember To Subscribe To Enter!

Remember that you must SUBSCRIBE to the blog and make one post to be entered. All previous subscribers/posters are grandfathered in… they’ve subscribed and posted. Thank You!

‘Twas Brillig and the Slithy Toves….

…Did Gyre and Gimble in the Wabe.

I’m talking nonsense folks! In honor of the upcoming Alice In Wonderland movie this entire post will be written in Glorious Nonsense. That sounded good in theory didn’t it?

What I’ve got going on for the next week is this…

“The Glorious Nonsense Alice In Wonderland Urban Decay Fandango Giveaway”

That was a mouthful. Here’s what you stand to win just by subscribing to this blog and leaving one comment before February 28th when the giveaway ends(no duplicate entries and you need to be over the age of 13):

Six (6) Urban Decay shadows in these movie inspired colors:
Mad Hatter
White Rabbit

One (1) $15.00 Fandango gift card

One (1) Size large Alice In Wonderland t-shirt

The total retail value of this fantastical prize pack is $137!!!! Get your subscriptions in!! Pass this along to a friend, she may take you with her to see the movie if she wins!

(how creepy is that rabbit?)

Review: HCDT Ultimate Shaving Kit

Most women like to be well-groomed. We like to keep the hedges trimmed, so to speak… sometimes run the lawn edger to tidy up things. Unfortunately, while there are tons of products out there to assist us with personal grooming, most of them were developed for men and their shaving needs. Fortunately, we have a company called HairCareDownThere to assist us!

HairCareDownThere was developed by Judy Phleger in her plight to revolutionize the way we groom our lady-bits. Countless hours of research and interviews with strippers and body-conscious young women produced a product that is top-notch.

Packed away in an attractive vintage-inspired traincase are all the goodies a girl needs to have a well manicured “lawn”. There’s a nice, sharp razor and two refill blades, a double sided comb, a fluffer brush, clear shave gel, stencil guidelines, a marking pencil, after-shave spray, smoothing lotion, a nice double sided mirror, small non-slip safety scissors, a very informative guide and sparkly stick-on body decorations. My advice to you is read the guide thoroughly before you begin. Stretching would be advised too… if you decide to go Brazilian.

I have sensitive skin and found that this kit addressed that problem. I’ve always had difficulty finding products that didn’t leave tons of red bumps or itchy skin. This product was fantastic. I had smooth, bump-free skin. The only thing this kit was lacking was tweezers… but heck, most of us have those already. For the price, you get a ton of grooming. Think of all the money you are saving on bikini waxes! The average bikini wax is around $40.00. The kit is $89.00 plus shipping (except for my readers who have free shipping until March! FREESHIP10).

On a scale of 1-5 stars, the HairCareDownThere Ultimate Shaving Kit gets 5 stars!

HUGE Upcoming Announcement!

A company that created a beauty breakthrough is allowing me to test and review one of their most popular products! They are also sending me some goodies to give away! I can’t say who it is right now, but keep reading and you’ll find out!

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